Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Audacity of SEXISM by another Democrat - Congressman David Scott

Remember what the far left did to Hillary Clinton - here is another far left liberal going after another woman!!! Below is a picture of a Congressional Candidate's husband who is protesting peacefully outside of Congressman David Scott's (Democrat) offices related to a sexist and disrespectful comment as you can read on Mr Honeycutt's sign as well as the article that was emailed to me below the picture. The audacity that this Congressman David Scott (D) would call this respectable and intelligent strong woman "that BITCH" is more than disrespectful and sexist it is outrageous and I believe inexcusable in my opinion.

Congressional Candidate's Husband
Pickets Congressman's Office

Andrew Honeycutt, husband of 13th District Congressional Candidate Deborah Honeycutt, picketed Congressman David Scott's offices in Clayton County and Cobb County demanding an apology for insulting his wife.According to reports, Congressman David Scott approached a writer for the Atlanta Daily World during qualifying and asked about the 13th District contest, "Are you helping that b----?"

Andrew Honeycutt sent a letter to Rep. Scott, asking for an apology. Scott did not respond. "I wanted to give him a chance to respond. This picket is a response to his non-response," he said, "I'm just asking him to be respectful."Andrew Honeycutt picketed at Rep. Scott's two District Offices wearing a sandwich board.

Andrew E. Honeycutt, Distinguished Business Fellow at Shorter College, Rome, GA and Dean of the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business, is the recipient of the Doctor of Business Administration degree in Marketing from Harvard University and the Masters in Business Administration degree from Boston University.

Can you believe the audacity of sexist arrogance and disrespect that Congressman David Scott has shown towards Dr Honeycutt and her husband? I think all should be offended despite their political beliefs!!! It is time to get rid of this type of mentality out of D.C. and start fresh with intelligent and down to earth candidates such as Dr Honeycutt (Medical Doctor) who supports small business and the Fair Tax which would help lower your taxes and help you keep ALL of your paycheck, as well as, other ways to help people like you and me.
I have had the opportunity to hear Dr Honeycutt speak with passion and a vision to move us forward to a positive place - we must leave this type of behavior back in the past and elect great leaders such as Dr Honeycutt to Congress to move our country forward in the right direction.
I also had the opportunity to speak with Dr Honeycutt after her speech and was impressed not only with her passion, vision, and impressive qualifications but also that she is down to earth and listens when you speak to her - NOT all politicians do that.
If you would like to send words of encouragement to Dr Honeycutt and her husband and/or learn more about Dr Honeycutt - her website is:

1 comment:

Andrew Biddinger said...

Hey, great blog!!
We must stand for America and conservatism. Go Mike also!!
Check out my blog.